Come on in!

Welcome to the maya*made journal! After years of blogging, I paused a couple of years back and put my energy into Instagram... with just about everyone else in the world. And while I do love Insta's immediacy, it's so nice to have this alternative space. Feels a bit like I'll be inviting you in for tea every now and then, rather than just a neighborly wave from the front porch. I'll be sharing my ideas on living well and thoughts on finding love and peace in this wild world. There will definitely be some recipes and DIYs from time to time because I can't resist giving you those! In fact, I'll be migrating favorite past posts from over here... so that if you're looking for one of my oldies but goodies they'll be at your fingertips.

As a creative, I've always found healing and transformation through art. I used to reinvent materials, today I help people to reinvent their lives. I still love making things, but instead of crafting objects- I'm now also crafting experiences. Blending yoga, mindfulness and creativity have taught me how to find balance (and even joy) during incredible challenges. It's a pleasure to be able to share these tools, as we shape shift through the different stages in our life- from girlhood to womanhood. I'm excited for you to join me!



Laurie Jacobsen

Squarespace Web and Graphic Designer, Business Mentor & Artist.
