
I gave my first private yoga session to a mother of three the day before my son's birthday this past September. She had only used yoga videos (amidst constant interruptions) and was so excited to have my full attention and be able to experience something created just for her. Afterwards, her elation was my revelation. As I drove the backroads home, I recognized that THIS is what I am being called to do. I've always taken great pleasure in helping people, but most of all, I deeply love supporting mothers who give so much of themselves away. By the time I reached my front door, what I wanted to offer became so specific... so tangible... so clear. The next morning I woke up on my son's 20th birthday (the 20th anniversary of my own motherhood) and mother*well was born. Just like that. I waited until it was a decent hour in California to call my own mom. In one big gush I told her the clarity I had about wanting to guide mothers in how to care for themselves. I told her how I couldn't wait to help them fill their "well" so that they might mother well! And there it was. It even even named itself: mother*well. All roads do truly lead to now, but I've never felt it more than with this new work I am so inspired to do. All of the energy and years put into learning about herbs, nutrition, yoga, compassion, mindfulness, natural body care get to be put to use with the folks who neglect themselves the most. Although I have plenty of formal training in child development and parent education, what I really want to do is teach "mother development and mother education" so that women can nurture their families from a place of abundance rather than depletion. I'm planning several local mini mother retreats for the new year (stay tuned!). But what excites me most is that in this age of technology, I can teleport directly to moms in need who can't leave home because of childcare limitations. When my children were small I would have given anything to have support, guidance, my own yoga teacher come to me during nap time or after the school bus pulled away... or even on a lunch break from work. Squeezing in something for yourself shouldn't be impossible.

I can come to you and help you fill your WELL!

Laurie Jacobsen

Squarespace Web and Graphic Designer, Business Mentor & Artist.

moroccan dream


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